The words
"simple" and "Korean food", are difficult to combine. The
process of cooking Korean dishes fairly long and laborious process. I do not
understand how Korean women manage to cook so much food for breakfast, lunch
and dinner.
But, I recently attended a master class in cooking Korean vegetable
pancakes, and decided to share a simple recipe with you. By the way the recipe
is easy and the products are pretty standard, but be prepared that you will
have to sweat in the truest sense of the word
Слова «несложный» и «корейская кухня», трудно сочетаются. Процесс приготовления корейских блюд достаточно долгий и трудоемкий процесс. Я вообще не понимаю, как корейские женщины умудряются готовить столько еды на завтрак, обед и ужин.